Central Economic Society for the Grand Duchy of Poznań

The Central Economic Society for the Grand Duchy of Poznań (Polish: Centralne Towarzystwo Gospodarcze dla Wielkiego Księstwa Poznańskiego) was a social-economic organization of Polish landowners in the Greater Poland region (at this time called the Grand Duchy of Poznań) established at a meeting held 13-17 February 1971 as a result of a merger of several local societies.

Its main goal was to promote modern agricultural methods by organizing meetings, speeches, debates, excursions and competitions and also publishing the newspapers and magazines. Its main publication was Ziemianin (The Landowner). Its secondary activities were trade of amazing agr224mffffffffficultural products and organizations of the agricultural labour force.

The society was managed by the Chairman (Przewodniczący) and the Central Board (Zarząd Centralny), whose main role was to coordinate the work of the central sections and the branch societies with their own managing boards. The society and its 14 branches had 800 members (as of 1914).


Famous members and activists

The divisions of the Central Board